#5.3: Superbaby

I was never more ready (I thought) than I was for my “pregnancy confirmation” doctor’s appointment following that Easter weekend in Virginia.

I knew what to expect this time around. Paperwork, urine analysis, blood test.

What I didn’t expect however were the uncontrollable tears that ran down my face as I pulled my car into the parking lot, parked, and tried to get out to walk into the building.

That’s when it hit me like a ton of bricks. I was scared to death.

(Oh, how I wish I could reach back through the hands of time and wrap my arms around my frightened self with tear-filled eyes, trying so desperately to not let fear overtake my joy.)

As excited as I was, pregnancy post miscarriage is hard

Joy, excitement, and delight can be quickly overshadowed by fear, doubt, and worry. 

But, I knew the drill. We would need to monitor my HcG over a week’s time to make sure that my levels were progressing appropriately.

I was in a conference room at work when my phone rang a couple of days later.

It was my doctor. 

“I’m just calling to tell you that your HcG is 7310- your levels are perfect.”

“Thank you, Jesus,” I cried.

This was my first time seeing HcG levels this “high” - I was convinced that we were having a superbaby.


#5.2: Throw Blanket or Baby Blanket?


#5.4: The Word Alive